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Ever wonder how a barista becomes good at what he or she is doing? The answer is that there are variety of ways to succeed in making a good cup of coffee. Some start in a coffee shop learning by heart from experience through a process of trial and error without getting any brewing certificate first. Meanwhile, some start by attending barista training, barista workshop or barista course before applying to be a barista or opening their own coffee shop.**

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Basic Barista Course

A basic barista course provides the basic knowledge of coffee and barista for coffee lover.
Duration: 4 Hours.

    1 Day
    6 person/class
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Intermediate Barista Course

An intermediate barista course is designed to provide the essential knowledge and skills needed to become a professional barista.
Course Duration: 2 Days.

    2 Day
    6 person/class
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Latte Art Course

A practical course and barista workshop that introduces participants into an amazing and delicate world of latte art. In this course participants will learn how to make a signature latte art patterns.

    1 Day
    3 person/class